Monday, December 20, 2010

Making Room For Wholeness

Within each one of us, there is a "call for wholeness," whether we contemplate the call, or ignore it. It's still there.

Eastern Philosophies and Gurus, Pop Self-Help books and Television Preachers all seem to try to answer our internal call for wholeness.

In discovering Taizé, I found for myself an authentic, community-based path that can accessible by individuals and fellow pilgrims, one which answers this call in the depths of each soul.

As a Christian, I wanted a place, a community, and a path that was not only organically in alignment with my faith, but also was hospitable and welcoming to those on perhaps a different path.

Taizé welcome all on the pilgrimage. One may indeed "find Christ" for the first time or in a deeper way experience an awareness of the divine.

Rarely, does anyone leave the Taizé experience without impact.

Come, experience life in community--if not long term, for a few hours or for a day.

(Thanks to Taizé Baltimore for the "Making Room for Wholeness" theme which was expounded upon here.)